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Turkish Building Sector is growing in export with Dubai, Qatar and Moscow Fairs. 

In the interview published on  Business World Global’s website, our Deputy General Manager Çağatay Erşahin, has shared the information on which sectors we are operating, the locations that we organize our fairs and the exhibitor groups, with the readers of the magazine.

“Expodim-Ladin Group which contributed to development of Turkish economy by the means of exhibitions holded at many different countries from 2003 to present days, also suceeded great achievements in 2019. For you the readers of Business World Global, we have compiled the information about where they organized exhibitions, exhibitor groups, and in which sectors they are working,  with Çağatay Erşahin, Deputy General Manager of Expotim-Ladin Group providing great benefits to Turkish exporters with their fairs and organizations in the world countries.

  • Could you briefly talk about Expotim & Ladin Group?

Expotim & Ladin Group, we have established since 2003 as our single goal: to increase Turkey’s exports. To move Turkey’s bold manufacturers in the right market and providing to increase their market share with new clients. For this purpose, as Expotim & Laden Group, we organize an average of 30 fairs per year at various export points from Paris to Dubai, from Johannesburg to Moscow. With the authority certificate of TC Department of Commerce’s foreign trade, we give direction to our country’s export by the national participation which we organized in these markets having great importance for Turkey, and  the fairs that we have undertaken the main organizer. Together with our two companies, Expotim and Laden, we have organized more than 400 fair organizations in 44 countries with more than 14.000 exhibitor companies and sold more than 330.000 m2 fairgrounds.”

Read the full story published in Business World